East Coast Civil Group offers clients a “one-stop shop” solution for turn-key construction projects on any scale.
East Coast Civil Group provides full-service, turn-key site development “from treetop to blacktop.” We are a commercial site development company, specializing in site work with complete utilities and grading — from clearing, to erosion control, to mass grading, fine grading, building pads, parking lots, roads, setting stone, paving, and more. We can dress out the project by using our network of sub-contractors, or as the general contractor performing the landscaping on commercial jobs.
We are a commercial, turn-key civil construction contractor. Our company offers clients a “one-stop shop” solution for finished, turn-key construction projects on any scale.
East Coast Civil Group’s full-service site development means we can create a subdivision from undeveloped land — having engineered it and performed all mass grading, pad grading, all utilities, water, sewer, and storm sewer installation.
When we say, “from treetop to blacktop” — we mean it. Put East Coast Civil Group to work for you, and let us prove it.
We provide:
- Erosion Control, from tree protection fences, to rock check dams, to permanent seeding and sediment basins.
- Clearing and Grubbing, whether we burn it on-site, chip it, or haul it away.
- Topsoil Services, from stripping it away, to re-spreading it.
- Excavation, from cut & stockpile, to import & fill.
- Residential Services, from backfill, to grading, to hauling away soil.
- Fine Grading
- Dress Out
- Sanitary Sewer, from main lines to manhole installation.
- Stone Placement
- Retaining Walls, and other types of walls such as building & basement walls.
- Water Line Installation, from fire hydrants to installing water service.
- Storm Drainage Installation, from drain pipes to riprap dissipator pads.
- Utility Conduit Crossings
- Curbs and Gutters
- Sidewalks and Handicap Ramps
- Asphalt Pavement from paving to striping.
- Surveying
- Signage
Follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook. East Coast Civil Group is a proud member of the L&L Construction Group family of companies, along with our sister companies Triangle Ready Mix and L&L Concrete, Inc.